Village of Darien GIS
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Kapur is the primary provider of engineering services for the Village of Darien. When Kapur was awarded its first street reconstruction project with the Village of Darien in 2014, we encountered considerable difficulty with the task of locating accurate information for utilities and as-builts of infrastructure. The village’s maps were outdated and inaccurate, and there was little electronic information available. Consequently, the Village of Darien asked Kapur to develop a GIS system to accurately record the information we felt was missing when we started on our first project for the village.
The village needed updated system maps to keep projects on schedule and on budget by minimizing the number of unforeseen issues that arose throughout the lifetime of the project.
Kapur started developing the GIS site by using any existing information and then performing a comprehensive effort to GPS locate the entirety of their sanitary, storm, and water utility systems to provide accurate maps of each system.
We then updated addressing, zoning, floodplains, and FEMA information, and have since developed tools for use by first responders.
We conduct an annual training session for Village of Darien staff that demonstrates the basic function of the software and any recent updates. This training session also allows them to explore new tools and learn professional tips on how to use the software most efficiently and effectively.
Services Provided
- Field Survey
Industries Covered
- Municipal
- Survey
We have transformed the village’s information into a robust and highly capable GIS where planning and public works staff can access infrastructure data, and the village residents can locate information such regarding floodplains, zoning, aerial base mapping, and parcel data.