Project engineers Jon Vogt and Jeff Lichosik are known for their combined 50+ years of experience across nearly $600 million of roadway projects, including their contributions to creating salt storage facilities throughout Wisconsin.
So, before the next snowfall and the accompanying distribution of salt, the pair discussed what it’s like to take part in building these necessary facilities.
How do these projects compare to others you've worked on in terms of complexity?
Jon: Salt storage buildings are relatively simple structures, but when you’re used to working on road construction projects, there is necessary learning in terms of different specifications and requirements. One project I was involved in included installing a truck scale, which is not normally something we see assembled.
Jeff: They’re cool projects to be a part of–you don’t see the construction of a salt shed from start to finish every day!
What tends to be our client’s primary objective for a salt storage facility? How does the size and capacity of the facility influence your design decisions?
Jon: The salt storage facilities I’ve worked on were constructed in conjunction with highway expansion. The increased lanes necessitate more significant salt usage, which in turn demands expanded storage capacity. On the construction side, the project specifications dictate the required capacity of the facility.
Jeff: Per the WisDOT Maintenance Manual 06-20-84 (1): “In general, the department is attempting to construct various sodium chloride storage buildings across the state to increase storage capacity, thereby obtaining better bids for salt purchases and preventing catastrophic shortages during difficult winters. Through proper locating and sizing of new buildings, the department can also minimize the need to “double truck” the salt to avoid adding costs.
This policy describes the needs to consider when constructing new sodium chloride (salt shed storage) facilities. The department's goal is to obtain permanent undercover storage for 125% of the five-year average of the state salt needed in a year for each county.”
How do you choose the ideal site for a salt storage facility? What factors influence the layout of the facility on the chosen site?
Jon: An ideal site has plenty of room for plow trucks and loading equipment to maneuver. The projects I’ve worked on included bioretention basins, designed with special soils and plantings to ensure that the heavily salted runoff from the entire site is treated before leaving. That additional feature requires an area dependent on the paved area’s size. The site also needs to be easily accessible from the roadways or plow routes that the salt is intended for.
Jeff: Agreed, it’s all about location. WisDOT and the county will want to place their salt shed as close as possible to the nearest state or county highway access point. The actual salt shed layout will be situated where the unloading and loading of salt can be most efficient for the on-site operators.
What are the key design considerations specific to this type of facility? What challenges does the storage of salt present?
Jeff: The salt capacity is the most important factor in designing a salt shed. One of the more challenging aspects is containing the salt’s overall weight, which is why structural walls are a very important part of determining storage capacity.
Jon: Salt shed walls are designed to have salt piled against them to a specific height, which increases the capacity of the building. While the salt is covered, loading and unloading can create highly concentrated saltwater runoff. This can be detrimental to the environment, especially any nearby bodies of water, making it challenging to design the site to drain to a specific retention area to limit that runoff from the site. Other considerations would be proximity to the roadways the salt is intended to be used on, space for trucks and equipment to maneuver in and around the salt storage facility, the space needed for the actual salt storage facility depending on the required capacity, and room for containing runoff.
What materials are most used for salt storage facility construction, and why?
Jeff: Primarily concrete, asphalt, and treated wood.
Jon: Stainless steel or galvanized fasteners are also used. They can all withstand the salt’s corrosive nature.
What specific architectural features are required for optimal storage and handling?
Jeff: The use of structural walls and hi-arch trusses provides optimal storage.
Jon: Strong walls, a high roof, and plenty of open space allow the most storage volume. A large overhead door is ideal for accessing the shed and loading trucks when salt is needed.
What design features protect the structure from external temperatures, hot or cold?
Jeff: HVAC requirements only apply to salt sheds exceeding5,000 square feet and if a loader shed is attached to or included in the construction of the salt shed.
Jon: The primary function of a salt storage facility is to protect the salt from moisture and wind, so rainproof walls and roofs are essential.
How do you balance aesthetics with functionality in the design? What goes into choosing a domed roof versus a flat or pitched roof?
Jeff: Dome-shaped salt sheds are the most efficient storage structures, but they are more expensive to maintain than a hi-arch truss salt shed, which is becoming a more viable alternative.
From concept to construction, Kapur plays a critical role in designing salt storage structures that are both durable and efficient for municipal needs. Our expertise ensures these facilities withstand harsh conditions, protect the environment, and optimize salt accessibility for winter road maintenance. By leveraging innovative design and sustainable practices, we help municipalities stay prepared, keeping roads safe, and communities moving.
Our experienced transportation engineers explain how road diets help create safer, better roads for everyone–drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike.
Three of Kapur's engineers share their approach to creating transportation networks that accommodate required winter maintenance.