The landfill is in the western portion of the City of New Berlin, in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, at the intersection of West Coffee Road and South Swartz Road.
Landfill tasks included monitoring 29 gas probes, 15 private water supply wells, and 17 groundwater monitoring wells/piezometers, which are routinely sampled. Groundwater monitoring events at the Barrett Landfill occur biennially during the fall of odd-numbered years.
Annual activities at the Barrett Landfill include spring commissioning and late fall decommissioning of the leachate system, leachate management, leachate monitoring and sampling, site inspection, reporting, and subcontractor coordination for repairs, mowing, leachate management, and fence line tree/brush removal.
Kapur prepared an annual monitoring status report for the WDNR. Sampling results were compiled and submitted to the WDNR Bureau of Waste Management, and the groundwater data were added to the Groundwater and Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) database. Kapur assisted the WDNR in providing private well owners with a report of the results of sampling activities from their wells.