Indiana Avenue

Indiana Avenue

Sheboygan County, WI
WisDOT NE Region
Connecting communities through a complex project.

As one of Sheboygan County’s most important roadways, Indiana Avenue was due to be modernized. But knowing the 0.7-mile “road diet” project wasn’t so simple, Kapur was tapped to execute several elements to improve the urban roadway that connects Kohler to Sheboygan.

By providing overall contract administration, Kapur helped reconstruct Indiana Avenue from a four-lane undivided roadway to a two-lane roadway featuring bike lanes and a multi-use trail while adding street and path lighting, an intermediate parapet, and structure repairs to an existing bridge.

This required:

  • over 18,000 cubic yards of earthwork
  • 10,000 square feet of concrete pavement
  • 5,000 tons of HMA pavement
  • curb repair
  • concrete surface repair
  • expansion joint gland repairs
  • Contract administration
  • Contract change orders
  • Erosion control compliance
  • Estimates
  • Inspection
  • Materials testing
  • Public involvement
  • Record keeping
  • Utility coordination
  • Traffic control compliance
Aerial view of the reconstructed roadway with a bike lane and multi-use trail.
Aerial view of the completed Indiana Avenue roadway.
Aerial view of the reconstructed Indiana Avenue.
Aerial view of the reconstructed Indiana Avenue.
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