Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Habitat Assessment

Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage System
Curbing the impact our work has on endangered species.

With the goal of minimizing impacts to various natural resources, including the rusty patched bumble bee, Kapur provided a floristic survey and habitat assessment to comply with state and federal endangered species laws.

Though not a federal nexus project, the voluntary-recommended actions were applied through habitat review and assessment. Plans used sound scientific principles in applying practical consideration of the US FWS Conservation Management Guidelines.

  • Determination of impact
  • Federal nexus
  • Field reconnaissance
  • GPS survey
  • Mapping
Kapur employee in a high-visibility vest collecting data in a creek.
Monarch butterfly spotted during the habitat assessment.
Black butterfly spotted during the habitat assessment.
2 employees in high-visibility vests surveying a field.
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