STH 33 Roundabout

STH 33 Roundabout

Ozaukee County, WI
WisDOT SE Region
From two-way to free-flowing.

Kapur assisted in the overall contract administration for this 0.31-mile roundabout project, which reconstructed the rural intersection of STH 33/CTH I.

Changing it from a two-lane two-way stop to a free-flowing roundabout, the project included:

  • over 25,000 cubic yards of earthwork
  • 6,000 tons of HMA pavement
  • 500 square yards of concrete pavement
  • 400 square yards of concrete truck apron

Additionally, it involved the construction of new cross culverts, storm sewer, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, and street lighting.

  • Contract administration
  • Contract change orders
  • Erosion control compliance
  • Estimates
  • Inspection
  • Materials testing
  • Record keeping
  • Public involvement
  • Traffic control compliance
  • Utility coordination
Construction trucks finishing up the new roundabout roadway.
Construction crew using paving equipment to pave the roundabout roadway.
Aerial view of the finished paved roundabout.
Construction trucks finishing up the new roundabout roadway.
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