When previous modernization alternatives resulted in reduced project impacts and costs, Kapur and its fellow joint venture partners leveraged public hearing testimony to develop a new Zoo Interchange freeway reconstruction alternative that included improvements to adjacent arterial roadway corridors, where many of the 90,000 jobs within 2 miles of the interchange were located.
To minimize impacts to the 350,000 vehicles a day using the Zoo Interchange, the design team developed a plan in 2013 and 2014 before the major freeway work began to enhance the adjacent alternate routes by creating a new configuration where four key arterials formed a “box” around the system interchange core – STH 100 to the west, Watertown Plank Road to the north, 84th Street/Glenview Avenue to the east, and Greenfield Avenue to the south.
When system ramp closures were needed between 2015-2018, these advanced improvements known as the Reduced Impacts Alternative allowed the adjacent arterial roadways forming the “box” to provide efficient mitigation routes during freeway construction and full access to nearby residents and businesses. Overall, the adjacent arterial reconstruction portion of the project improved local neighborhood connectivity, access to jobs, and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.